Badgers are known for being fearless nocturnal creatures, despite their relatively small size. They are related to otters and weasels, but badgers live primarily underground. The most major damage badgers are known for is creating loathesome tunnels (similar to moles) and threatening pets and family members. Badgers are omnivorous and can end up in your trash or garden while searching for food sources. If you suspect there are badgers on your property, call our office today or leave us more information here!
Badger Removal Services
Common Badger Issues
- Though badgers prefer to keep away from humans, an abundance of preferred food sources on human-occupied land can draw in these carnivores.
- Pet owners who live in areas with populations of badgers should act immediately to either remove the creatures or guard pets from possible encounters, as badgers can inflict serious injury to domestic animals when threatened.
Badger Removal Services
The problem with "do it yourself" trapping attempts is that they put both the trapper and pest critter in danger. Badgers are aggressive and will do everything in their power to scare off potential predators. Professional removal is the only way to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. Critter Control technicians effectively capture offending badgers and construct plans to prevent future problems.