Birds are an enjoyable part of nature however on occasion they can become a nuisance to homeowners. In large numbers, birds can accumulate extensive droppings, which can become a serious health hazard. Additionally, birds can build nest around building venting, in eaves, and around other areas of your home. If you are having a problem with birds contact Critter Control of Salt Lake City today and our trained professionals can help safely remove birds from around your home and help install effective equipment to prevent their return.

Bird Removal Services

Bird control in Salt Lake City Because of their ecological contributions, birds are afforded considerable protections by laws, regulations and public sentiment that controls what kind of bird control can be implemented. Public relations are an integral part of any bird proof and bird control project and Critter Control will educate our clients and the public as to why a particular bird control or bird proof program or method is necessary.

Bird Damage and Common Complaints

The three birds that most often become pests in the United States in urban areas are pigeons, starlings and house sparrows. Other birds that can cause havoc to homeowners are:

  • Hawks and Swallows
  • Blackbirds and Crows can be found roosting in suburban areas
  • Woodpeckers may peck holes into house siding while searching for insects, to make nest cavities, and for social activity
  • Seagulls can feed on food-plants and can be found roosting and nesting on large flat roofs with crushed stone

Common complaints that Critter Control of Salt Lake City receives regarding birds and their behaviors are:

  • Bird removal in Salt Lake City Feeding on agricultural products
  • Roosting or nesting around human habitations
  • Destroying vegetation and contaminating foods
  • Noise, droppings, odor and feathers
  • Diseases or ectoparasites affecting man including histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis
  • Unpleasant or hazardous working conditions

Full-Service Solutions For Bird Proofing

Bird control can be very difficult. Their mobility and high nests are a challenge for most people and businesses to deal with themselves.

The secret to controlling birds is to deny them places to land and nest on around your building. Another method of controlling birds is to trap the current roosting birds and release them miles and miles away. It is more likely, however, that our experts will do both of these things to ensure that we can control your bird problems.

The best bird control and bird proof approaches emphasize deterrents, exclusion or modification of buildings. Critter Control’s knowledgeable technicians have several bird control methods to bird proof your home or help to get rid of birds. We will work with you to bird-proof your property with a humane method, using a control plan. We use other bird deterrents in rural and agricultural settings for bird control. 

We can help you get rid of bird problems. Call our Salt Lake City office today for your next step in the bird prevention process!

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Birds may be beneficial, neutral or harmful to man's interests, depending upon time, location and activity, and certain birds (sparrows, woodpeckers, waterfowl, pigeons and blackbirds) are more likely to become pests and require bird proofing and bird control.
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